Happy Easter! This weekend was busy and fun. My brother Dan got married yesterday up in Crown King and to give them some private time for their honeymoon we took the kids back to valley with us. It was a beautiful ceremony despite the rain and snow (yes, snow!). I'll post some pics from the wedding later but here are pics from Easter for April's 12 of 12.

9:00am - My nephew Brycen with his bacon and cheese omelette made by yours truly!

9:30am - One of the five omelette's that I made for Easter breakfast.

10:15pm - Brycen, Caitlyn and Piper right before we leave for Easter service.

1:15pm - Joe chillin' out in Granny's backyard.

1:30pm - Caitlyn, Piper, Brycen, Cody and JR
This was after hunting for eggs.

1:45pm - Brycen and Cody smashing the confetti eggs on eat others heads.

2:30pm - I snapped a pic of Brycen as he took a breather from throwing the football around the back yard.

3:00pm - Brycen, Piper and Cody watching the neighbors play badmitton and hunt for their easter eggs.

3:10pm - Caitlyn hanging out in Granny's grapefruit tree.

3:10pm - Piperella also chillin' in the grapefruit tree.

3:30pm - Piper using my camera to snap her own picture.

3:45pm - Joe with Piper's rabbit ears. Easter is now complete!
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter day!
Rabbit ears are fun!
Yum, omelets! Thanks for sharing your day.
Living in England, it astounds me that people can have things like orange, lemon or grapefruit trees in their gardens!
I've really liked this 12 of 12 being an Easter one - although my 12 of 12 was Easter-free (stayed in, live away from family and friends), I've liked seeing everyone else's fun-filled Easters! Lots of egg hunting going on :D
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