Saturday, January 12, 2008

12 of 12 (3): January 2008

It's a new year and I actually remember to charge my camera battery to bring with me while I ran errands with my Mom and my nephew Shane. Here's my 12 of 12 for January...

11:30AM - Waiting for my Mom to pick me up so we can go to lunch and then shop at the Mad Scrapper (scrapbooking store) for some cardstock to make my Save-The-Date cards.
11:45 AM - Mom and Shane picking me up for our errand run. The LOML saying "Hi" and giving Shane the talk to behave himself or he'd get noogie.

11:45 AM - Shane laughing at the LOML. (Noogie? Yeah right!)

12:00 PM - Lunch at On The Border with Shane and Grandma in front of the restaurant.

12:30 PM - Shane wanted his picture taken in front of the cactus.

12:45 PM - Shane at The Mad Scrapper. He came running around the corner holding up a camera die cut saying this was for me. Mom commenting how appropriate that was for me. I couldn't agree more!

1:30 PM - Mom and I dropped Shane off with the LOML because he was a bit bored shopping with us so we could head over to Recollections. They are closing their stores (major bummer!) and we wanted to check out the sale items.

2:45 PM - Watching Green Bay Packers game with the LOML. Check out that snow!

5:15 PM - The LOML driving us to Costco. He's wearing his new Notre Dame cap that I got him for his birthday.

6:00 PM - Yep, it's me getting into the car after our shopping at Costco.

6:00 PM - The LOML returning the cart. We got a kick out of this photo because his clothes are way to big for him now! You rock babe!

8:30 PM - I'm playing Mystery Case a game that my boss gave me to download. I'm a little hooked on finding who did it.


Dogeared said...

I can't believe you didn't get a photo of that lovely sunset you can just see next to LOYL, in the car! [lol]


Scooter said...

What fun pix. I like the cactus!

Hibe said...

Hello Christina,
This is Hibe (aka Gary). I’m participating in the 12 of 12 challenge also. I have included in my 12 of 12 homepage a link to the page you listed with Chad. If this is not permissible with you, please email me or drop a comment at . Please feel free to post my link if you wish.

Looks like you had a busy day. I'll be looking for more photos next month.

Anonymous said...

Great pics. I'm slow took me the whole post to figure out what the acronym stood for!

Zippy said...

I wish I had the patience to scrapbook my photos but alas!

Thanks for sharing your day!

Poun said...

Great pics and such a great day !
Thanks for sharing, see you around next month ;-)

Susan said...

any good deals at Recollections? I can't believe they are closing those stores....well hopefully that makes it easier for the locally owned stores to stay in business.