Saturday, January 26, 2008

Happy B-Day John!

First things first...a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my future brother-in-law John! I hope you enjoyed your day.

I just got back from a week of client meetings in Puerto Rico. I do enjoy visting PR but it sure is a long trip back and forth. Typically I travel through Dallas and then on to PR however on the way back from PR, I had to travel thru O'Hare and then on to Phx. The flight to O'Hare was about an hour longer than to Dallas. No fun! At O'Hare we sat on the plane at the gate due to a technical problems and it was 10 degrees out. I didn't have a warm jacket with me after all I was traveling to PR and AZ. Needless to say I hope to not have to take the Chicago route to/from PR in the future as it seems that I will be traveling there every 6 mos.

I'm happy to report the LOML is down 62 lbs since his WLS (weightloss surgery). He is looking and feeling so good. Click here to see his blog. Congrats babe!!!

Oh, and here's a clip of me teaching him how to update his blog. (I was also playing with the video feature on my camera).

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