Monday, August 07, 2006

So not this graceful...

I have to admit that I am completely fascinated by this video from OK Go called Here It Goes Again. Check it out here:
I heard that they did this video in one take which is pretty remarkable if you ask me because those that know me best know that my middle name is not Grace so performing something like this on solid ground would be challenging enough let alone on multiple treadmills with multiple people! I have to give Kudos to OK Go for very creative video that will definitely land them on a future VH1 show like I Love 2006.


Lisa Pulliam said...

I love it too! I really want to go into a gym late at night when it's empty and give it a go. And watch myself fall right on my butt :-) Did you see their first video? They also did that one in one take.

CMC said...

I did go out and check them out on their site. They are some crazy guys! I'm so with you on going out late at night to a gym to see if I could actually pull it off but i would be right there with you- right on my butt! : )