Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dixie Chicks in the news...

I recently read that the Dixie Chicks documentary Shut Up and Sing has been picked up for worldwide release and that they were shuned from the CMA's.

First of all, let's talk about the documentary. I personally can't wait to see them take another stand on their right to freedom of speech. After all this is America and everyone has a right to his or her opinion whether we agree or not. It is understandable that they would receive backlash after all they did attack the President but wouldn't you say it's about time to give the girls a break?!

Secondly, it is really a shame that country music has decided not to play the DC on the radio causing them to not land any CMA nominations. Although now that I think about it maybe that's not such a bad thing. Sounds like a perfect opportunity for them to build a new fan base.

All I know is I enjoy listening to their music and like that the push the envelope. Artist should make us think and challenge our beliefs after all isn't that the beauty of living in America!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Missing license plate

Yep, we've had something very strange happen today. The LOML is missing his license plate. Yep, you read that right. Someone stole the license plate right off his car. We don't know where or when this theft took place. I noticed it was missing this evening after my shopping trip to Costco. We are baffled and amazed that someone would actually take his license plate. Not only did they take the plate but they took the screws. Unbelievable! Guess it's off to MVD to get new plates assigned. What a pain in the arse!

Rockstar Supernova: Go Dilana!!!

I am totally digging this season of Rockstar! The best rocker on the show is Dilana. She would make a great front woman for Supernova hands down! If you don't believe me, check out her performance from last nights show. Go Dilana!!!!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Carpooler Fury

I can't tell how much I wanted to purchase this sign that I saw while shopping the other day. See, I carpool to work with the LOML. One of the perks for carpoolers at our company is you get an assigned spot that is covered and close to the entrance. This is a nice perk when it is 110 degree day in Arizona! However, lately co-workers that do not carpool have taken it upon themselves to park in our spot even though it is clearly designated as a carpool spot. So, what's a carpooler to do when countless reports to security don't solve the problem? Well, nothing...we are too nice to actually buy this sign and put it up (also fear getting fired) so we do the next best thing- blog our frustration!

Happy 10 Month Anniversary to us!

Yep, it's been 10 months today that we had our first date. Aren't we just the cute couple! : ) Happy Anniversary babe!

12 of 12 for August is a bust...

My 12 of 12 for August didn't work out too well. I carried my camera everywhere I went on Saturday and took my 12 pictures. What I didn't anticipate was the trouble I would have loading them to my blog. I was so frustrated with the process that I decided it is best to figure it all out and start fresh on September 12th. So, be on the lookout for next months 12 of 12.

Here is one picture of me from Saturday. I'm waiting in the car while Joe is running into Circle K. I know it's a bit hard to see me what with the camouflage top but if you look closely it's me! ; )

Friday, August 11, 2006

Spooky Mind Game...

I don't know how this works but it sure is freaky. It kinda makes you feel like your computer is watching you. Check it out...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

What Classic movie are you?

Obviously I have nothing better to do than take pointless quizzes...

The Envelope please....

I'll admit it - I love watching award shows. I love everything about them from the predictions, to the pre-shows, to watching them walk down the red carpet, to seeing if my favorites win the big award. It is just plain fun seeing the glitz and glamour of it all!

Well, knowing that the Emmy Awards are coming up on August 27th, I started looking for some websites to check out the latest information & review the nominees again and stumbled on this great site full of information and news about all award shows. Check it out...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

12 of 12: Click here...

There is guy named Chad Darnell that started the 12 of 12. Click on the title to this blog to see the basics to the 12 of 12. I will be trying this for the first time this Saturday and will post it on my blog. We will see how it goes. Stay tuned....

Monday, August 07, 2006

So not this graceful...

I have to admit that I am completely fascinated by this video from OK Go called Here It Goes Again. Check it out here:
I heard that they did this video in one take which is pretty remarkable if you ask me because those that know me best know that my middle name is not Grace so performing something like this on solid ground would be challenging enough let alone on multiple treadmills with multiple people! I have to give Kudos to OK Go for very creative video that will definitely land them on a future VH1 show like I Love 2006.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Heard around the House: Part 1

Me: Did you call the Internet guy?

LOML (Love of My Life): Not yet. If your wireless is not working in the morning then I'll call then.

Me: Uh, okay.

Next Morning...

Me: Computer is not working.

LOML: I'll call and put foot down that they MUST be at our place after 5pm.

Me: Ok.

5pm that evening...

Internet Guy: You need to select your internal wireless router and click this button and then this one.

Me: Well, that was easy enough. How come we didn't know this?

Internet Guy: Well, I told your LOML about this the night before when I was over fixing said computer.

Me: Staring at LOML....

LOML: Head down. I told you I wasn't computer savvy.

Me: Shaking my head

LOML (to Internet Guy): Thanks alot guy.
So, I'm sitting at my desk waiting for the work day to end. It's a Thursday so I'm pondering what I am going to do this weekend. I'll be scrapbooking on Friday afternoon/evening with my friend Melissa which will be fun since I haven't seen her in ages. Then thinking about Saturday I'm contemplating getting the LOML (Love Of My Life) to do some outlet shopping with me. This will depend on how hot it is out there! Maybe it will be movie day. We still haven't seen the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie nor Me, You and Dupree (which my brother said was funny). Then that takes me to Sunday which is already planned out to spend some time with my mom, neice and two nephews at the public pool. Should be a fun day. So, these are thoughts running through my head at 3:30 PM on a Thursday....