It's been a very weird week and it's only Tuesday. It started off with me seeing some young guys up to no good in our complex and caught the license plate # which led to a cop in our new place taking my statement because a poor fella in our complex got his tires and rims stolen. The cop proceeded to tell us the SUV the hoodlums were using was stolen from a home a few blocks away.
Today, a kamikaze bird flew into the hood of my car on the 101. I don't know what it is about the 101 and the birds but they sure fly low and it's been a fear that one would come through the windshield and cause a major accident. Lucky for us it flipped over the car and all we could do was burst out laughing.
This evening I managed to spill my ice tea on the remote to the cable box and it died for a while and then came back to life with the buttons not performing as designed. Lucky for me it's back to working condition becuase I don't know what my hubby would do without being able to channel surf.
So, as Joe put it I've killed the hopes of the hoodlums getting away with their theft, I've killed a bird (or as a friend on Facebook commented- "I flipped the bird today") and just about killed the remote...and it's only Tuesday!