Today was the Boot Camp Chicks 4 Summit Challenge. We were to do Piestwa Peak, Lookout Mountain, North Mountain and Shaw Butte in one day in any order. I opted to do 2 Summit's since hiking is brand new to me. Kim, my Boot Camp instructor suggested N. Mtn and Shaw Butte and hiked along with me. Here are some photos from the morning hikes. A big thanks to Kim for all the support!!!!

6:00am: the rough part of the N. Mtn hike and the start of our day.

6:30am: Sunrise, the start of a beautiful day!

Adriane (a fellow Boot Camper) and me at the top of Summit 1

The most driven person I've met in a long time. You rock Kim!

Here we are at the top of Summit 2 - Shaw Butte

Ecstatic that I made it to the top of the 2nd summit!
I am very proud of you for taking this challenge. You do come from a family that persevers. You go daughter!!!!!
Wow! This is great!!!
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