Our last stop was Barbados. It was very beautiful and we had quite the adventure at Malibu Beach. I'll probably never get Joe back on a Jetski again! We were able to do a little shopping after our beach excursion. We purchased another hat and some pure vanilla which I can't wait to try out.

Malibu Beach. This is where we spent our afternoon in Barbados.

Malibu Rum factory. I opted for the free rum punch drink but not for the tour of the factory.

This sign was at the entrance to the Malibu Rum factory/beach/gift shop.

Malibu Beach - in the background you can see our docked ship.

More of the beautiful water. It was so refreshing and clear.

I talked my hubby into taking a Jetski ride. Now mind you he is a little freaked out about sharks so this was a big step for him to venture out into the ocean on a jetski. Of course I offered to let him drive but he opted for me to take the reins.

Everything is good we are off and running.

That hairpin turn was not so good! I know. I didn't listen very well. I was to head straight out and turn wide. Sorry babe for the bump on the head and dunking you in the water. I told you life would not be boring with me!

One more go by myself. Joe opted to hang out on land.

Once I got the hang of the Jetski it was all fun, fun, fun!

He forgave me! Love ya babe!

Betty and Joe waiting for the bus back to the ship.

Joe trying on hats. I liked this one but he chose a baseball cap that said Barbados and
waves on it. It seemed fitting.

Our nightly towel animal. A monkey hanging from our curtain. Very creative.