Yes, it's the 12th of August so you get 12 photos of my day. It was a bit challenging because I am in Dallas for work and was in an all day meeting which didn't provide me with too much opportunity to snap some photos but I did manage to get 12 shots. I'm heading back to the dry heat of Phoenix tomorrow and can't wait because this humidity does nothing for my hair. : )
Credit for this concept goes to Chad Darnell, click
here for more info.

7:20am CST- Smiling despite the fact my internal clock has not caught up with Central Time.

9:30 am - This was inside the women's bathroom stall. Apparantly it is necessary to provide a courtesy checklist on proper toilet use and I must say it was a very polite checklist.

This was outside the bathrooms. Nice to know where to go if a tornado touches down because I come from a state that has no major weather issues.

Mmmm, Panera Bread ice tea. My caffeine fix.

6:00pm - Dinner at Texas Land & Cattle with the work gang.

The view from my hotel room. The green awnings are of the Dart Rail System that can take you downtown. The window was super dirty so the shot isn't very good.

8:00pm - Checking my farms on Facebook.

8:30pm - Watching Wipeout. Nothing much on TV...

so, I decided to read the USA Today.

10:30pm - I took a little walk outside the hotel and they have this neat water and light display that dances to music beats. People like to run through the water to see if they can avoid getting wet. It didn't work out to well for a few people.

More dancing water

11:00pm - Watching Big Brother 11 on Showtime After Dark. I was surprised to find that the hotel had Showtime becuase typically they have HBO. Sweet!
Enjoy the work travel! Good enjoy eating out and work paying for it!
Enjoy the work travel! Good enjoy eating out and work paying for it!
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