Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Where for art thou Orangeade?

This drink has gone missing from our local stores. We are not sure what's up with this lack of stocking the Tropicana OrangeAde Light drink. This is the one drink that my hubby enjoys drinking that is sugar free and non carbonated. We've called the company that makes it and they said it is in a particular grocer in our area but alas the shelves are empty...*sigh*.


Unknown said...

Pepsi bottling in Torrance (southwest Los Angeles), CA, told me that they discontinued the Light Orangeade in order to promote Orange Crush. Crush is carbonated and even the "light" has high fructose corn syrup! Try explaining that to your kids with braces who can't have either.

Unknown said...

Tropicana sold its formula to Lipton. In February or March 2011 Lipton is coming out with Lipton Brisk sugarfree Orangeade. Great decision by Tropicana....it will go down as the dumbest decision ever since Ford came out with the Edsel. This information is not a rumor - Ir came from Pepsi themselves who own tropicana.

CMC said...

Thanks Paul for the information! We are looking forward to it being re-distributed. My husband sure has missed drinking it.

Anonymous said...

I read on another site that Lipton announced it will NOT produce the Orangeade. I couldn't find this information myself at the Lipton site as the other person who posted the information said they did. If anyone finds the info at Lipton's site or elsewhere, I'd like to know. Orangeade was the only sugar-free drink I have EVER liked.

Anonymous said...

Its being converted to Brisk! It tastes exactly the same. No worries as i am drinking a sf orangeade now! Its currently in stores in NC. Its not a bad decision! It will be available in a more variety of sizes and packages! 12pk cans, 16oz 6 pks, 20 oz singles, 2 lts, 12 oz 8pks! They did this so they could have more space in the carbobanted sections and new age sections! Where they could not do this with tropicana! This brand will sky rocket!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I also loved the Tropicanna Orangeade Light. It was sugar free, carbonated free and caffine free. The Pepsi Co said it was bottled under Lipton Brisk. But in Alabama (where we are and in Flordia and Georgia you can only get it in a convenience store in 1 liter size. This was very disappointing and we still can't find it in a convenience store. They carry other flavors, but not the orangeade. The Tropicanna Light won taste awards. Why didn't Pepsi market the product? I never saw it advertised anywhere. I hope I can find it soon. My husband is having withdrawals symptoms. He LOVED this drink. I hope they didn't change the taste of it too much. Just think how many people would be helped with this drink, no sugar, diabetics, no caffine, high blood pressure and a wonderful flavor, light and refreshing. Who is the idiot that sold it? I'd like to meet the fool.
Betty and Harry

Anonymous said...

Who is the idiot at Pepsi that did not market the award winning taste award for Tropicanna Orangeade Light? And now has sold it to Lipton? My husband drank 2, 2liters a day and now we can only get Lipton Brisk Orangeade SF in a 1 liter bottle in convenience stores and haven't been able to find them yet. That is the only way you can purchase it in Ala, GA, and FL. Sad. One of the best drinks to come on the market and you can't purchase it in 2 liter and cans.

Anonymous said...

OK, I too was hurting for lack of Tropicana Light Orangeade...but now it's back--as Lipton Brisk Sugar Free Orange Drink. I've only found in cans, but it tastes exactly the same...

Anonymous said...

I have found the new Lipton SF Orangade in cans and 2 liters in SOME(not all)Food Lions in North Carolina. It tastes exactly like the Tropicana Sugar Free. I am diabetic and used to drink two 2 liter bottles of Tropicana per day. I am from Virginia. I purchased a whole shopping cart load when I found it. Help is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone in SC found this in your grocery store? My Publix, who sold the Tropicana by the boatload, doesn't have it. I ventured into the Bilo serching for it yesterday to no avail. Missing it terribly...

Robyn said...

My son used to only drink the Tropicana Light. When they stopped making it I was worried he would not have an alternative to drink. Am glad for the Orangeaide Light, problem is it is hard to find. Can someone tell me where in NC to locate it? I would buy it by the pallet load to be sure he has some to drink.

Dee said...

I live in NC and I can not find the Brisk Orangeade SF .... it was in Lowes Food and now they only carry the regular....I have tried to contact Pepsi and of course no return calls. This was the BEST sugar free drink I have ever had....if anyone knows where I can find it please do.

Anonymous said...

foodlion in tarboro n.c. and freds club in rocky mount is even cheaper and always has more on hand.

JP said...

My husband and I live in Connecticut and he is a diabetic. We cannot locate this drink anywhere. Any suggestions??

Anonymous said...

I am diabetic and live in Va. I drive to NC every 3 months and buy 15-20 12 packs. I can ONLY find it at Food Lion. Oddly enough, in the eastern part of NC you can find Sugar Free Tru-ade brand Orangeade. I would swear it is the same product. I cannot tell any diffecencr in taste.

Anonymous said...

I too am disappointed the orangeade was discontinued. I would like to know if it is being sold in South Florida.

Unknown said...


These guys make a sugar free orangeade that tastes every bit as good as the Brisk was. $1 for a two liter bottle at my local Walmart.