I wouldn't say 2008 was an overly fun year for us after all we were planning and saving for our upcoming 2009 wedding. However there are a few highlights for the year.
1. The removal of the braces has to be the best thing about 2008!
2. The fun bridal shower that brought together many family and friends. Thank you Mom, Betty and Cristin for making it so special!
3. Uncle Ruben's birthday party. It was great having the Acosta family together again. It had been long overdue!
4. Watching Brycen and Shane play flag football.
5. Meeting up with my girlfriends, Melissa, Josie and Leah. Our lives get so busy that this proves to be a rare occassion.
6. Going to a few D-Back games with the LOML.
7. Shane & Sophia's Kindergarten graduation.
8. Crying when my younger/bigger (yes, he is taller than me) cousin Ben proposed to his girlfriend Christa. We can't wait for the wedding on 1/2/09!