It's 12 of 12 for July. Here's some shots from my day. It was spent running errands. This fun concept is the brainchild of Chad Darnell. Click here to learn more.
10:00am - Made a run to Jiffy Lube for an oil change.
11:00am - Filling up with gas at Costco. It was $3.99 a gallon. The cheapest in the area.
12:00pm - My cute window shades. I just got my car washed and you can see a palm tree and cloud shot on the hood of my car.
1:30pm - My new reusable Fresh & Easy bags.
2:30pm - The LOML outside of Dick's Sporting Goods. Time for new running shoes.
5:45pm - Hair cut for the LOML
6:00pm - The new summer hair-do!
Enjoyed your 12 of 12. And glad to have you as a Goodreads friend as well. :-)
Yay for Goodreads! And for getting errands done - a nice feeling to get jobs ticked off, isn't it? :D
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