Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Never this graceful after falling down...

Poor Miss USA falling down however I do have to admire how graceful and quick she stood back up and put on two big smiles! I would never EVER be this graceful and would've probably just stayed down! See Miss USA's graceful trip.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Memorial Weekend!

Here we are after spending a bit too much time in the pool today.
We officially look like lobsters and are a bit drained from too much sun!
Happy Memorial Weekend!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy 7th Birthday to our Pumpkin!

Today is my nephew's 7th birthday. Happy Birthday Pumpkin!

Here's a few pics from his bowling birthday party from last Saturday...

Daniel & Brycen

Grandma & Brycen

Brycen and his Auntie (that's me!) : )

Brycen & his bud/cousin Cody

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's hot in AZ and time for haircuts

It's that time of year here in AZ...100+ temps therefore it's time for short hair-do's! Buzz cut for the LOML and a short layered look for me. Ah, nice and cool!

Friday, May 04, 2007

How popular is your name?

Happy Friday to all!

News for us is that we officially worked our last night at JoAnn's on Wednesday. Yipee! They were starting to mess with our schedules and they still hadn't moved the LOML from Home Decorating after he'd asked two months ago. So long JoAnn's!

Here's some Friday fun- check it out.

Find out how popular your first name has been over the past 100 years, just click below and enter your first name.