June: We had a bridal shower for my cousin Michelle. Here is my niece Sophia looking very sweet with the bows from the presents in her hair.

The beautifully decorated St. Bernard's
Christmas morning was spent with the LOML and I opening our presents to one another. He got me the Food Processor that I had wanted and the Alicia Keys & Celine Dion CDs along with The Bourne Ultimatium & The Kingdom DVDs.
I gave the LOML this Notre Dame sweatshirt. He was so excited that a 4x fit him and that it was a little too big!
He also got a Notre Dame calendar, socks, DiamondBacks baseball hat, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 DVD.
My family came over to our place for supper which consisted of Grammy Lucy's Tamales, rice, beans, the LOML's chicken dish, green bean casserole, corn casserole. To say the least we had plenty of food for everyone!
Granny Lucy's very yummy Tamales!
The kids got to open presents and mom gave the LOML, and my brothers money for socks and underwear. She surprised me and gave me this fabu picture.