Monday, April 19, 2010
Shane & Sophia 8th Birthday party
Family picnic ~ April 10, 2010
Catching up
I believe the last post was about taking my Life and Health Insurance exam. The great news is that I passed it with a 72 on my first try. What a major relief. I'm now able to concentrate on my new job. Woo hoo!
I'm planning a summer trip to Minnesota with my girlfriend and then my hubby is meeting up with me in Chicago. We are looking forward to the trip. Lots of planning to do.
We are excited that baseball season is upon us. We've had the opportunity to go to an opening week DBacks game. We scored tickets from a co-worker who has season tickets with a parking pass and they are excellent seats. We are going again this Friday and we can't wait.
Well, that's about it for now. Some pics will follow this post. Night all.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
L&H class and exam...yikes!
Monday, February 22, 2010
February update

The USA women's Curling team
I'm happy to report that I've got a new job. It's with the same company but a new position. I'm really excited. I'll get to work with implementing new clients into our Med D business and them maintaining them. I have to get my Life and Health Insurance License. It's a hard exam but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I take the exam in two weeks after taking a two day class. Wish me luck. : )
We get to do another Flat Stanley project. The last one we did was for our niece Murphy in 2006. My girlfriend Laura asked her daughter Rowan to pick between NY, Colorado and Phx. For some reason she thought Phx would be more exciting. I would have picked NY myself. We are very honored to do another FS project. I'm going to have to get creative with this one.
This is Flat Stanlea at a Cubs Spring Training game in 2006.
That's about all that is going on this month. I did miss this months 12 of 12 but had good reason. The day before I was coming back from a business trip to Dallas. The night before our flight they were hit with a major snow storm. We ended up sitting on the runway for 4 hours waiting to de-ice the plane. Needless to say it was a pretty stressful day and I woke on the 12th feeling hungover. Luckily a wonderful back, and neck massage help ease the suffering.
Time to log off and watching some Ice Dancing. Go USA!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Our 1st year anniversary

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
12 of 12 FIVE: January 2010
11:00am - My hubby as we head into AJ's for our ice tea fix.
4:30pm - My workout partner...the elliptial machine. I sprained my MCL and PCL in my knee last month putting Christmas garland up in the house by stepping off the ladder the wrong way so I haven't been able to go to Boot Camp, which sucks! Hopefully a few more weeks and I can get back out there with the Boot Camp Chicks for some early morning workouts.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Stehower 2009 Christmas
Christmas 2009
Sunday, January 10, 2010
An orange creamsicle sky
Thanksgiving in Iowa
We got to spend some time with the Cavanaugh clan in West Des Moines, IA for Thanksgiving and had a great time!!! We saw New Moon opening night, saw the Blindside, shopped at our favorite grocery store, HyVee and visited the local gym where I tried a Spin class for the first time. Between Spin class and my father-in-laws stairs my legs were like jello all week! Here's a few photos from our time in WDM.
The amazing cookies at HyVee.
Maid Rite sign...they have unbelievable loose meat sandwiches. I'm wishing we had them here in Phoenix.