Absolutely nothing. I'm a bit under the weather right now. It's a major bummer because I'm not very good at being sick. I know it's because of the weather change and lack of down time. I went to see the doc and was advised that I haven't had the head cold long enough to warrant antibiotics and that rest is what's recommend. Rest? What's that? I'm trying to follow doctors orders but I'm finding it difficult not to putz around the apartment. Of course, Joe is a great reminder of the doctors orders. I know. In a minute babe. I need a few more minutes and I'll shut the computer down...
Juno and Sweeney Todd are the new movies tonight on Cimenax and HBO. Awesome! We've yet to see Sweeney Todd and can't wait to watch it. Of course we missed the 9pm showing because Joe was watching football. Oh well, it'll be on again.
I learned today that Big Love will be back January 11th- yay! The Ex-List was canceled - bummer! Lost will be back January 21st with a 3 hour premiere - awesome!
I must give a shout out to my dear friend Rebecca. She offered to take engagement photos of us as a wedding present. We had so much fun hanging out with her and I must say the photos turned out absolutely beautiful! I used one of the photos in my new blog title and another one I've put down below. If anyone is in need of a great photographer, check her out at
Snootie Patootie Photography.

So, rest is on the agenda this weekend. Let's hope that this nasty head cold passes pretty quickly. The next few weeks are jam packed with activities starting with a bridal shower for my cousin Ben's new bride-to-be, Uncle Ruben's 60th B-day bash, family pictures, the Mad Mud Run, cookie baking and of course Thanksgiving.
I haven't forgotten the wedding...need to do a final fitting on my dress, get together with the MOH and Bridesmaid to see what they will wear and plenty of other little things to finalize...much to busy for a head cold!